Du Jiangfeng: Quantum sensing and precision measurement equipment
Time:2021-09-30   Views:75

September 29th, Prof. Du Jiangfeng, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, vice President of USTC, was invited by the School of Physics and Electronic Sciences to deliver a distinguished academic lecture at Optics Building. The lecture was chaired over by Prof. Wu Haibin, Vice president of the School. And Sun ZhenrongVice president of the University, Li Kai, Party Secretary of the School, and nearly 100 teachers and students attended the lecture.


Academician Du Jiangfeng reviewed the development of quantum theory and elaborated the main research directions of quantum science and technology with the title Quantum sensing and precision measurement equipment.


He pointed out that over 100 years after the birth of quantum theory, people have made great progress in understanding and utilizing quantum mechanics. Especially in the past two decades, with the deepening of the ability to control quantum effects and control quantum systems, a number of quantum technologies derived from pure quantum effects are moving from dream to reality.


These transformative technologies can push the classical limits of information and material science and technology, and will have a profound impact on human civilization. Du stressed that the development of quantum science is still on the rise, and he hoped that teachers and students who are interested in exploring the mysteries of quantum science would join this exciting frontier research field and perceive the world with quantum technology.


Source: School of Physics and Electronic Science